6 March 2022
After airburshing and freezing the samples in a -40 C freezer, samples were aliquoted following the aliquoting steps at the end of the airbrushing protocol for samples that will be used for symbiont densities, chlorophyll content, symbiont total protein, host total protein, and tissue biomass.
Surface area
Surface area for all of the corals used in the PI curves (n = 5) and our samples from January and February (n = 73) were completed following the surface area protocol. All data and statistics were uploaded to the Gametogenesis Project Google Drive folder and the Gametogenesis Timeseries GitHub.
Equipment list from the Container
Borrowing equipment from Burkepile container:
- 1 chiller - ARCTICA titanium chiller DBE 200
- 2 pumps - PONDMASTER fountain-mag - 190 GPH
- 4 extension cords -Belkin
- 9 150 Watt heaters - EHEIM JAGER
Hollie meeting
Discussed setting up a chiller with a float valve to ensure the water does not ever go below the chiller or pumps. Having a chiller reservoir tote to supply a slow flow of chilled water to the tanks will be essential for the hotter days coming in April. Will use drawdown pvc fittings to facilitate a flow from chiller into every tank (n = 24).
Preliminary heatwave tank test - large tanks - six
To test that our Apex energy bar and Apex aquabus unit could facilitate six consecutive heaters and outlets over our planned heatwave scenario, six large tanks were set up with one temp probe, one heater, and one pump per tank to run diel temperature cycles over the next week.