8 March 22 - Gametogenesis and Heatwave Research

8 March 2022

Symbiont counts

Lauren and I continued symbiont counts following the Symbiont density protocol for 73 corals collected in January and February 2022. All data and statistics were uploaded to the Gametogenesis Project Google Drive folder and the Gametogenesis Timeseries GitHub.

Tank preliminary testing notes

Diel temperature cycle was set to the highest temperature flux my experiment will experience from 28.7 C to 30.0 C. The 150 watt heaters are still working well, however, I noticed that the HOBO temp/light pendent loggers seemed to be reading higher than expected. I made sure that the thermometer that we are using for spot measurements was accurate and matched other lab groups (CSUN). I then deployed another more accurate HOBO temperature logger in tanks 2 and 4 next to the HOBO pendent light/temperature loggers to check the consistencey.