9 March 2022
Symbiont counts
Lauren and I continued symbiont counts following the Symbiont density protocol for 73 corals collected in January and February 2022. All data and statistics were uploaded to the Gametogenesis Project Google Drive folder and the Gametogenesis Timeseries GitHub.
Danielle prepared the chlorophyll samples to be processed 2022-03-09 by adding 1mL of acetone to each sample and placing them in a dark fridge for 24 hours. Following the Chlorophyll Protocol. All platemaps and statistics were uploaded to the Gametogenesis Project Google Drive folder and the Gametogenesis Timeseries GitHub.
Meetings with Hollie
Danielle and Lauren met with Hollie together to discuss experimental design, logistics, and project progress. We both also met with Hollie indivdually to discuss individual progress.