Total protein
Danielle and Lauren followed the Total Protein Protocol for 73 samples collected in January and February. They followed the preparation for soluble protein for the host and the holobiont for Janurary (n = 37) and February (n = 36) samples. The homogenate tissue slurry was vortexed and sampled for the holobiont total protein and the aliquoted host total protein sample was vortexed and sampled for host total protein. All platemaps and statistics were uploaded to the Gametogenesis Project Google Drive folder and the Gametogenesis Timeseries GitHub.
Data entry
Danielle and I entered remaining data for all physiological assays so far: homogenate volume, surface area, symbiont counts, total proein, and chlorophyll for 73 samples collected in January and February.
Tank Updates
Danielle met with Tony to get the remaining 18 tanks and more tubing for the chiller and tank set-up. All temperature probes were calibrated, tanks were cleaned, and flows were adjusted to test the full ramp period again. After discussing with Ariana, we wanted to make sure the ambient and hot treatments curves would align over diel cycling for reaching 30 degrees.