22 March 22 - Gametogenesis and Heatwave Research

22 March 2022

Hanging coral fragments

Danielle and I used fishing line to hang 6 coral fragments (TP 2-6, extra fragment from 24 colonies collected on March 19.

outdoor tank setup

Daily measurements

Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and completed daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks at the end of the day.

Hollie meeting

Danielle met with Hollie to talk about survivorship data, bleaching score, and loggers.


Lauren aliquoted 10 Pocillopora fragments collected in January 2022, 10 Pocillopora fragments collected in February 2022, and 24 Acropora fragments from TP1 into 1.5 mL tubes for symbiont counts, chlorophyll, and total protein.