25 March 22 - Gametogenesis and Heatwave Research

25 March 2022

Daily measurements

Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and colonies and completed 2 daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks and set up for respirometry at the end of the day.

Symbiont counts

Lauren completed the remaining 4 symbiont counts from the March 2022 Acropora pulchra Gametogenesis timeseries sampling according to the Cell Density Protocol.

Surface Area

After completing the symbiont counts, Lauren followed the Surface Area Protocol for 10 Pocillopora samples collected in January, 10 Pocillopora samples collected in February, and Acropora pulchra samples from TP1.

Chlorophyll preparation

To prepare for the chlorophyll assay and [protocol](, Lauren pipetted 1mL of acetone into all chlorophyll tubes, then vortexed each tube for 15 seconds.

Data tracking

All Acropora pulchra metadata and tracking were uploaded to the gametogenesis timeseries GitHub and the Acropora sampling Google Drive.

All Pocillopora spp. metadata and tracking were uploaded to the Mo’orea_Pocillopora GitHub and the Pocillopora sampling Google Drive.