28 March 2022
Danielle kept the second day of the heatwave ramp period to experience a diel fluctuation in the heated treatement of 28.8 °C to 29.5 °C. She and Tony adjusted the arrangment of the electrical inputs and outputs to accomodate all the heaters and APEX needs. Too many amps were being used on the one transformer, so Tony increased the allotment of amps allowed for the breaker and the one APEX controller was moved to another transformer.
Daily measurements
Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and colonies and completed 2 daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks.
Ash-free dry weight
Following the ash-free dry weight protocol, Danielle labeled and made 322 aluminum pans to be pre-burned. She is processing the January, February, March, heatwave timepoint 1 and 2 Acropora pulchra samples for a total of 161 samples. Since we process both symbiont and host portions for tissue biomass, a total of 322 pans are needed.
Lauren completed the chlorophyll quantification protocol for January and February Pocillopora samples.
Data tracking
All daily measurements, bleaching score, and survivorship tracking for the colonies and fragments can be found on the Heatwave Google Drive and Gametogenesis GitHub. Chlorophyll measurements can be found on the Pocillopora folder and Mo’orea Pocillopora Github