04 April 22 - Gametogenesis and Heatwave Research

04 April 2022


Danielle started the fourth day of the heatwave period for the corals to to experience a diel fluctuation in the heated treatement of 29.3 °C to 30.0 °C.

Daily measurements

Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and colonies and completed 2 daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks.

Ash-free dry weight

Following the ash-free dry weight protocol, Danielle weighed the final ashed weight for the rest of heatwave TP1 and TP2 and put them into the muffle furnace. FINALLY DONE WITH PROCESSING :)

Data tracking

All daily measurements, bleaching score, and survivorship tracking for the colonies and fragments can be found on the Heatwave Google Drive and Gametogenesis GitHub.