05 April 2022
Danielle started the fifth day of the heatwave period for the corals to to experience a diel fluctuation in the heated treatement of 29.3 °C to 30.0 °C.
Daily measurements
Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and colonies and completed 2 daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks.
April 2022 Field Day Sampling - Lauren feeding experiment
Danielle and Lauren, returned to the Mahana site (17°29’12.5”S 149°53’16.1”W) to sample for the planned feeding expeirment. Following the general Field Sampling Protocol, we collected 30 ~5 inch fragments from various areas located on the site. We collected, n=10 of Pocillopora spp., Acropora pulchra, and Porites spp. The corals were then glued onto labeled plugs with coral glue and put onto egg crates on a cement block that was covered in a cage and placed on Gump reef to be sampled and fed every night over the next week and a half.
Danielle also switched out HOBO logger 06 with HOBO logger 13 and HOBO logger 09 with HOBO logger 12 so that we could look at the temperature profiles at Mahana for the past few months. She coded and created a script and output plots to view the temperature fluctuations at our site which can be found on the heatwave section of the Gametogenesis GitHub.
Data tracking
All daily measurements, bleaching score, and survivorship tracking for the colonies and fragments can be found on the Heatwave Google Drive and Gametogenesis GitHub.