07 April 22 - Gametogenesis and Heatwave Research

07 April 2022


Danielle started the seventh day of the heatwave period for the corals to to experience a diel fluctuation in the heated treatement of 29.5 °C to 30.2 °C.

Daily measurements

Danielle recorded bleaching score and survivorship for the fragments and colonies and completed 2 daily measurements of light, temperature, salinity and pH. She also cleaned the tanks.


Danielle offloaded all the temperature and light HOBO tidbit loggers from all 24 tanks to look at the fluctuations in the temperature data. She created scripts and plots to view the fluctuations and also compared the HOBO logger temperature data from Mahana to the tanks as well. All data and outputs can be found in the heatwave section of the Gametogenesis GitHub.

Data tracking

All daily measurements, bleaching score, and survivorship tracking for the colonies and fragments can be found on the Heatwave Google Drive and Gametogenesis GitHub.

Symbiont counts

Lauren completed seven symbiont counts from TP2 which can be found on the Heatwave Google Drive. She also cleaned tanks with Danielle and fed the feeding experiment corals for 30 minutes starting at 17:30.