16 June 2022 - Hawaii Fieldwork - Collection and Setup

16 June 2022

Expedition Overview

The purpose of this field expedition is to conduct research during the spawning season for the coral Montipora capitata and the larval brooding season for Pocillopora acuta in Hawaii. Jill Ashey and Ariana Huffmyer (Putnam Lab, URI) and collaborators are conducting research at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology in June - July 2022. Projects include characterization of the role of microRNA in coral development see J. Ashey’s notebook here and the timing of symbiotic nutritional exchange see A. Huffmyer’s notebook here.

Larval collection

There was more larval output today. It appears larval release may be ramping up. Larval release is still low, but increasing.

Federica used larvae to set up settlement trials to test settlement on aragonite, ceramic, plastic, and waterproof paper substrates.

Sarah used larvae to set up microscopes and cameras.

Temperature treatments

The Apex was stable today! Jill and Federica set up pH probes for Federica’s Apex system.


Today we went over respiration, isotopes, survival, settlement, and Montipora capitata spawning protocols. Protocols can be found in Ariana’s notebook.