29 July 2022
July 2022 Field Day Sampling - Forereef Pocillopora
Danielle and Jim Hayward dove at ~12 meters on the forereef of Mo’orea to a site outside of ‘Ōpūnohu Bay (17°29’07.1”S 149°51’30.3”W) with our CRIOBE collaborators for our monthly sampling of Pocillopora outside the backreef. Following the Field Sampling Protocol, we collected ten ~4-5 inch fragments of Pocillopora that had been previously tagged for the first timepoint of this sampling on February 12th 2022 by Alex. The samples were collected and brought back to Gump Station for same day processing. For all sampling locations, a close up photo with the tag was taken. Additionally, a bleaching score photo was taken at each sampling location. If a tag was not found, we sampled from the same colony that the tag should have been located on.
Same Day Processing
After collecting the samples, Danielle followed the Same Day Sample Processing Protocol to prepare samples for histological analysis, molecular and physiological downstream processing.
Bleaching Score Photos
All bleaching score photos were downloaded off of the Canon camera and uploaded to Pocillopora_Sampling_Colony_Photos for the July forereef 2022 timepoint (TP7).
Danielle trained Janya on the aliquoting protocol.
After airburshing and freezing the samples in a -40 C freezer, May 2022 samples were aliquoted following the aliquoting steps at the end of the airbrushing protocol for samples that will be used for symbiont densities, chlorophyll content, symbiont total protein, host total protein, and tissue biomass.
All timepoint and tracking data sheets for the July 2022 timepoint for Pocillopora on the forereef were updated.